ANU UG B.Sc(AI) Data warehousing and data mining Lab Manual

 ANU UG B.Sc(AI) Data warehousing and data mining Lab Manual is now available, all these program are executed before posting here. you can go throw these and easy understandable programs.



Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will be able to

  • CO1: implement data files conversions and can train, test data sets for an application. (PO5, PO7)
  • CO2: generate accurate models, and demonstrate data preprocessing. (PO5, PO7)
  • CO3: Demonstrate text mining and web mining techniques. (PO4, PO7) 



  1. List applications for mining
  2. File format for data mining
  3. Conversion of various data files
  4. Training the given dataset for an application
  5. Testing the given dataset for an application
  6. Generating accurate models
  7. Data pre-processing – data filters
  8. Feature selection
  9. Web mining
  10. Text mining
  11. Design of fact & dimension tables
  12. Generating graphs for star schema


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