1. Write a program to read Student Name, Reg.No, Marks[5] and calculate Total, Percentage, Result. Display all the details of students
2. Write a program to perform the following String Operations
a. Read a string
b. Find out whether there is a given sub string or not
c. Compare existing string by another string and display status
d. Replace existing string character with another character
e. Count number of works in a string
3. Java program to implements Addition and Multiplication of two N X N matrices.
4. Java program to demonstrate the use of Constructor.
5. Calculate area of the following shapes using method overloading.
a. Triangle
b. Rectangle
c. Circle
d. Square
6. Implement inheritance between Person (Aadhar, Surname, Name, DOB, and Age) and Student (Admission Number, College, Course, Year)classes where ReadData(), DisplayData() are overriding methods.
7. Java program for implementing Interfaces
8. Java program on Multiple Inheritance.
9. Java program for to display Serial Number from 1 to N by creating two Threads
10. Java program to demonstrate the following exception handlings
a. Divided by Zero
b. Array Index Out of Bound
c. File Not Found
d. Arithmetic Exception
e. User Defined Exception
12. Write a program to create Book (ISBN,Title, Author, Price, Pages, Publisher)structure and store book details in a file and perform the following operations
a. Add book details
b. Search a book details for a given ISBN and display book details, if available
c. Update a book details using ISBN
d. Delete book details for a given ISBN and display list of remaining Books
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